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Writer's pictureLesli Dullum Tutterrow

Are you Ready For Your Fall Work Out Routine?

Summer provides plenty of opportunity for fun and beneficial outdoor activities. Whether you have enjoyed a summer of tennis, paddleboarding, rowing, kayaking or hiking, you know how much easier it is to move your body in summer when the sunshine and warmth beckon for your time outside doing anything that moves your body!

As we look to cool crisp autumn days lurking right around the corner, walking, jogging, rowing, kayaking, paddle boarding etc. may now leave you with more of a … “Should I go do …” then the typical warm weather response of whooooo hooooo let’s go have fun in the sun!

However, as summer morphs into fall, we instinctively know these bodies still need to move!

So, what is your plan? When it no longer feels warm and fun in the sun to do your favorite activities, what will you do to reap the physical and mental benefits of fun activities that move your body?

If this is the time of year you start to feel some concern about the fall and winter blah’s setting in, and if historically you have had a difficult time considering what to do that is still fun and works up a sweat, consider both the benefits of continuing to stay active and some ideas of how.

Do you like to walk? If yes, there is no reason why you can’t continue some good brisk walks alone, with your dog, family, neighbors or friends. We live in the Pacific Northwest, so invest in some good water proof shoes and a warm snuggly rain coat. Pick a time and place to walk that will still work as the days begin to get shorter on daylight. Have a plan B for the days where the weather is really not cooperating like walking at the YMCA, or at the Mall.

Trade your water sports for winter or snow sports. If you have been an avid water skier, perhaps this is the year to try some snow skiing or snowboarding. Think about what else sounds fun that you can still do in cooler weather. There are also plenty of places still available in the Kitsap area and beyond that work to enjoy hiking. Dress warm and be sure to have your necessary gear, and perhaps some walking sticks.

Find a balance between outdoor and indoor time. Perhaps you like to row, but once autumn hits you might change that up and utilize the rowing machine at your local gym. Fall and winter are great opportunities to perhaps try some classes that you would not ordinarily do in the summer months. Sign up for yoga at a local yoga studio, or try TRX at your local YMCA. We live in a beautiful area so be sure to still get those walks or jogs in to breathe the great Pacific Northwest air as well.

Create a workout schedule that you will enjoy- not just tolerate. Write your work out times in your schedule as though they were important meetings with your boss. In other words, set a work out schedule and shoot for same day and same time so your body and brain get into a good fall routine with all your activities. Then you can avoid the mental gymnastics that occurs when the colder weather sets in and you just want to hunker down at home. The more you get in a fitness routine, the more you won’t have to think about it. Your cozy blanket can be waiting for you as soon as you finish your workout!

Moving our body has tremendous benefits for both our body and brain. By and large, people who work out report feeling strong in their body, often notice better energy and immunity, and enjoy better moods and mental health.

You only have this one body and brain, so love it up by working out!



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