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Are You a Complacent Business Owner? 

Complacency. The killer of creativity, collaboration, and innovation.  Why do some business owners reach a point in their business where they begin to coast and think that they don’t have to change anything, or that “it doesn’t seem broke so why fix it?”


When people have a goal, whether it is to achieve a certain amount of monthly sales, or maybe for some just to stay open and pay the bills… and they meet that goal, often complacency or a “good enough” mindset can set in.


The reality is we live in a constantly changing, in flux, fluid world where people’s needs are changing and what they want is changing too. 


If we are going to stay alive and thrive, we have to change and adapt too, both personally and in our businesses.


If you are a business owner who finds yourself doing the same things in the same way – the way you’ve “always done it”, then pay attention- this blog is for you!


First, let’s talk about why we get complacent: 


  • It’s easier.  We know what to expect. We are in a routine, and we press play and repeat.  We don’t have to expend as much thought or energy when we just keep doing things the same way.

  • We believe it’s less risky. If we perceive that what we are doing is working ( well enough) then it feels safer than  venturing out and taking a risk that may or may not pan out.

  • We believe it’s predictable. We train our employees or team what to do and they just do it.  Customers or clients know what to expect and if they keep coming back that must mean that we are doing it “right.”

  • We get lazy.  Our human brain really likes routine and knowing what to expect.  When we keep doing the same things the same way, our brain says, yes please, more of that. It does not have to work as hard.


So, what is wrong with just keeping things the same? Well, sometimes in some circumstances, nothing, but other times in other circumstances – everything.


As a business owner for over thirty years ( I stopped counting) I spent a lot of time in complacency mode.  I was a single mom with three kids throughout a lot of my business ownership years, and I was just looking to get it right and then coast.  Life was busy and stressful.


 Currently, I have a business that admittedly 50% was out of my familiar wheel house. I did not have the option to just coast.  I have been on a mission to learn, make mistakes, fail, (you read that right) grow and innovate. 


Intentionally looking to innovate is exciting.  Every time a member of the Live Well Kitsap team or I have an idea, it is funneled first and foremost through the filter of “is this congruent with our mission?”  If the answer is no, it’s a no go.  But if the answer is yes, then we move to the question, how will it benefit our members and the community?  How will it benefit Live Well Kitsap?  ( We have to stay sustainable and profitable so we can help other businesses thrive!)


Here's a few recent examples of what  Live Well Kitsap has done to innovate:


We took time off last year to research, strategically plan and rebrand our community event. The result  was changing to a new venue, date and name for our annual wellbeing focused community event, now Kitsapfest!


Additionally in the last 6 weeks, we’ve added logo’d landing pages to each category, a financial wellbeing category to our site and a B2B category- businesses that are on the site to help other businesses thrive!


What about you?  What about your business?  Where can you afford to take some risk?  How can you collaborate and engage with your front line staff or team to ask their ideas to improve the customer, client or patient experience?


Where in your business might you shift from complacency to curiosity?  From stuck in the mud to soaring in brand new ways? 


Whether its introducing new products or services, or improving on existing products or services, or adding a brand new element or switching up what your storefront looks like, take some time to see your business through a new lens.


Step back, take off your complacent hat and unleash the creativity that creates some buzz in your business for you, your team, and those that you serve!


Want to continue the conversation?  Jump into the community group, the LWK FB page or email direct to


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