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Managing Stress and Anxiety in The Countdown to the Election 

Writer's picture: Lesli Dullum TaylorLesli Dullum Taylor

At Live Well Kitsap, we care about your overall health and wellbeing.  We don’t have to know you to care about you- you are another human on planet earth and we are all connected in some way!


If you have been noticing your level of anxiousness, tension, or distress rising, we think you are in good company.  Election time is stressful enough, but there is so much more at stake in this election that just differing opinions on the issues of the day.


Since so much about this election season is out of our control, let’s focus on what is within our control since intentionally doing  things to help us manage our stress and anxiety makes a lot of sense right now.


Here’s some ideas to help you get through this turbulent time.


1.        Take the news in smaller chunks and not all day long. We suggest you set a time of day ( not first thing in the morning, and not right before bed) to allow yourself to read, listen or watch the news or political programming.

2.        Set a Time Limit on how long you will watch, listen or read political news. In other words, become way more intentional about how long you will allow yourself to be exposed to  news and political shows.

3.        Take Some Deep Breaths!  Prior to being exposed to what is happening in the election, polls, political stories, shows etc., prepare yourself first by intentionally pausing and breathing deeply prior to watching, listening or reading.

4.        Take Care of Yourself – Be sure to get adequate sleep, eat a healthy diet and keep up or start a work out routine.  All  those things help us to feel better, stronger and healthier and help us to have better brain health to cope with all that is going on in our country.

5.        Limit your political discussions.  Yes, it is important to debate, hear others’ point of view, and to ask questions, but too much of this can become too stressful in a hurry, even if you are speaking with someone who shares your political views and values.

6.        Read the blog- Time for a Tune Up in Your Thinking? This can be found on the Live Well Kitsap site. It’s a great time to spend some reflection time considering your values, how you think and why, and let it serve to increase your awareness about  why you think the things you do.  ( Let us know what you think!)


These are challenging times we all find ourselves in.  There are many things occurring that are beyond our control. This is a great time to focus on that which you can control.


We hope you will strike a balance between self care, staying involved with the political process, vote wisely and take good care of yourself throughout the process.  Given how much is at stake in this election, remember its natural and normal to be concerned, and anxious.  Use this time to intentionally manage your emotions and stress levels.


Need some additional help?  Look to the Live Well Kitsap community wellbeing resource site for additional resources and people who can help you manage any stress or anxiety that feels overwhelming.



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