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Writer's pictureLesli Dullum Tutterrow

5 Ways to Create More Balance Between Home, Work, and Selfcare!

I don’t know about you but it seems like every time I decide I’m going to devote more time and attention to one area of my life, the other plates that are spinning seem to come crashing down.

Ever feel like there’s just not enough hours in the day to devote to everything and everyone you need and want to devote time and energy to?

One thing for sure, we all know when we are out of balance. Sometimes it sneaks up on us via some bold in-your-face kind of way like being sick and realizing we haven’t

been devoting time to selfcare or taking our supplements. Other times it is a more slow and insidious process of feeling out of sorts and possibly not even knowing why.

We hear a lot about finding balance, though achieving it seems like an elusive goal.

While the team at Live Well Kitsap does not have all the answers for you, we did collaborate to chat over things we do to stay in balance. Here’s some ideas for you!

1. Start the day with intention and beneficial habits. Some ideas are waking up and praying, meditating, deep breathing, reading a devotional or spiritual book, or journaling. Additionally, writing down three things you are grateful for is a great way to jump start your day! Gratitude improves health and wellbeing.

2. Create a master schedule and follow it. By doing so you create more balance by scheduling on a regular basis the people, tasks, responsibilities and selfcare that really matters. Then you are not leaving any of the important stuff up to chance.

3. Ensure that some form of fitness time is on your schedule in the form of a “fixed brick” or appointment. Then it becomes a regular part of your day and not something you do mental gymnastics over whether or not you should go to the gym, take a walk or hit the racquetball court that day.

4. Create regular and special time with the people who mean the most. If you value your relationship with your sweetie or spouse, schedule a regular date night for however often you both desire. Create play dates with your kids where each kid gets one on one time with each parent. If you are a single parent, see if you can enlist the help of a friend, neighbor you trust, or relative to hang out with your other kids to create a rotation of one- on -one time with just mom!

5. Schedule your selfcare time. This is one important part of your life that affects all the other parts including your health, and how you show up everywhere. People who prioritize selfcare report feeling healthier and happier, more patient, creative and in control of their life. Whether it’s making healthy meals, getting to the gym, or building in more quiet time and solitude space, consider what you need to refresh and rejuvenate. Then commit, schedule it and follow through.

For some of us, selfcare seems unattainable- especially for women and moms- where somehow selfcare comes last on the list “after everyone and everything else has been cared for.”

That thinking will serve to make us exhausted, strained, stretched – and not in a good way- and quite unhappy.

I have counseled and coached many moms and women in particular that have a lot of mom modeling from their childhood to undo and relearn. Taking time for selfcare and striving in practical ways for more balance is just a smarter and healthier way to live.


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