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Managing Holiday Stress

‘Tis the season for busy business owners, leaders and managers, to feel like juggling all the balls just got more challenging. For many businesses this is high season where demand for your products or services significantly increases. How can you take care of you, your business and your family without losing your mind? Here’s some ideas the Live Well Kitsap team has for you!

1. Take Self Care in Small Steps- in other words your normal 45 -60 minute work out may just not happen through the holidays but instead of doing nothing, consider taking three 10 minute breaks throughout the day to walk, stretch, breathe, or step outside for a change of scenery.

2. Be intentional to schedule date nights with your sweetie. Even a date morning or afternoon works if you can’t find a night you are both available. The main thing is to stay connected and be enjoying time together.

3. Make and stick to a strategic schedule that includes work obligations, family time, play time and alone rejuvenation time. Even if your alone time comes in 5 minute increments, use it intentionally to deep breathe, pray, meditate, or enjoy a nice coffee, tea or smoothie break. Scheduling time with your kiddos helps them know they are seen and cared about even when you are in your busy season.

Rather than think you can’t balance it all, start thinking in terms of “How can I create balance in the midst of the busyness?” At Live Well Kitsap we care about your health and wellbeing. Let us know how we can support you!


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